Study Abroad

Madrid, España | Summer 2019

Studying Abroad: A Global Glimpse

"A year before embarking on this journey, I knew no Spanish but I wanted to learn how to communicate. I saw the beauty in another language"

I'd like to think of this 6-week journey as a testament to how much I've grown from the person before, to the person I am now who seems to have a greater understanding of the world. My time there was filled with fears, smiles, and in the end, tears. Madrid became a home away from home for me during the summer of 2019.

This photo was taken in front of the Palacio Real de Madrid after an hour long discussion with a friend about what it would be like to live here. While there, we "dreamed big as though we were kings and queens." one-one-of a kind, unforgettable, amazing host family! I wouldn't have wanted any other host family to show me what it was like to live in España, visit the doctor's office, or wake me up because they were scared I'd miss my bus to Segovia.

The Journey Summed up in 3 Minutes

Week Two: A Home Away From Home

Anna Pham_Fin De Semana May 23-Mayo 26, 2019 .mp4
Above: A video of explaining what I did during my second weekend in Madrid (video is in Spanish)

Looking Up: First Moments in Spain

I lost my luggage, slept at the airport, and got kicked out of Starbucks... the airport, I didn't even know the difference between left and right

I remember being super nervous to go to a new country by myself. I remember thinking that year was already filled with new adventures since I just finished my first year at a new university.

I remember feeling as if I wasn't ready to push myself outside of my comfort zone again, and certainly not to a country where I could barely speak the language.

On that flight, I fondly recall looking outside my window and was amazed at the beautiful sunset. Suddenly, this fear turned into excitement. And this excitement was what kept me going.